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Educational riddles for kids – let’s read and play together!

You are your child’s best guide. Luckily, it is a beautiful and rewarding role and the bes way to teach about the world is to play together! Children love reading stories, playing with puzzles, drawing, reading books together. This is great news because spending quality time is the most pleasant ways to learn and foster parent-child relationships. It also helps children improve their skills and supports their development on many levels.
At Banana Panda we believe that educational books for children should be well adjusted to a child’s age and developmental stage. This way kids want to reach for them and the right content is best to support learning. Therefore why we pay so much attention to every detail and make sure our illustrations, topics and form are always of interest to children of various ages. And we look out for parents, too, to encourage them to play together and make learning new things as fun as possible.

Guess what…. let’s discover Banana Panda riddles!

We want to make the reading experience as pleasant as possible. And guess what… children love riddles! We have created a series of pocket size booklets that are loved by kids and appreciated by caregivers. Each book is full of short riddles that are well adjusted to a child’s age. They are all beautifully illustrated – illustrations are more and more detailed and complicated with age. They are a fun way to learn something new about the world, learn new words, broaden imagination and encourage kids to ask their own question.

Each set is packed in a pocket-size box and is travel-friendly. Our riddles are great for on-the-go fun. They can be used as picture books or for activities that support fine motor skills, perceptiveness, creativity and logical thinking.

Flash cards and high contrast books for babies

It is never too early to discover the world together! My first riddles are booklets for ages 18 months + and 2+. They are full of bright and funny illustrations and simple questions and answers. Even though they seem easy to adults, they can be a great challenge to little ones – but not to worry, they are also within their reach. They are great to acquire new knowledge and to help children summarize what they already know. The illustrations encourage parents to ask their own questions, tell stories and come up with new ideas to play.

Banana Panda Riddles for toddlers and preschoolers

Does your child know our educational series of books with riddles – Peek-a-Boo Riddles? This is a collection of books for all ages: 3, 4, and 5 years of age. Colorful, sturdy cards are held together with a rivet for easy, hands-on play. Educational book contains 38 rhymed riddles in a unique presentation. Illustrated fragments of the answers to every riddle are visible through a special viewing window. This is what makes guessing answers great fun! For younger kids it is a great help. Older ones need to expect few traps! Moreover, riddles for 4- and 5-year-olds are accompanied by fun exercises or facts about the topic. They cover a variety of topics so that each child can find something they already like or discover something brand new.

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