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Travel games



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Travelling with children

This can be a great pleasure and experience but also a challenging time. Travel blogs are full of advice on how to make each journey with kids go as smoothly as possible. Kids can get tired or bored and this is natural. Every family travel guard pro tip is: make sure you have kid-friendly activities ready and stock up on travel size games, books and puzzles. You can use them during travel, on your destination but they are also great during a walk and in your local park. Make sure to pack them!

Travel Games for kids – Banana Panda wants to go with you!

Games and puzzles from our selection can be played in a car, on a plane or on the train. We show you a selection of pocket size boxes that are full of creative ideas for fun and spending time together:

  • First Shapes Circles and Squares or puzzle pairs are great 2-element puzzles in handy boxes. Little Animals and Little Creatures are more difficult 4-piece puzzles. They are all durable but handy and can be assembled even on a small travel tray or table. You can take them to a restaurant or when going for a walk.
  • Let’s Write and Wipe is an educational collection of 4 books on a string that come with an erasable marker. They allow for lots of creative and endless fun on the go or when you stay in. Same time they train motor skills and boost creativity.
  • See our new selection of Coloring books. Small packagings hide 2 extra long coloring books full of creative exercises and beautiful illustrations.
  • Our On-the-Go collection is constantly expanding!

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